John Cho is TCTK? – Too Cute To Kill

Alert!! – mildly spoiler-ish post on FlashForward

How many of you are watching ABC’s FlashForward? How many of you feel, like I do, that Demetri Noh, the character played by talented actor, John Cho, is just TCTK? The question, which is mildly spoilerish, will only make sense if you have seen the first few episodes. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Here are some pics of John (Star Trek XI / Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay) Cho doing his thing…

John Cho

John Cho

The Archetypical “Hello world!” Post

Hello World. Konnichi wa. How are you today? Let the madness of Geek Girl begin. It’s up to you to find the method. Enjoy the ride. Live long and prosper. And so say we all.
So Say We All